Current DVD Titles:

(Click on the image below to go directly to that DVD)

Norfolk & Western #611
Shenandoah Valley Limited

Canadian Pacific #2816
Final Spike Tour Vol. 3

Canadian Pacific #2816
Final Spike Tour Vol. 2

Canadian Pacific #2816
Final Spike Tour Vol. 1

Durango & Silverton NG RR
K28: A Century in Steam

Reading & Northern #2102
Autumn Leaf Excursions: 2023

Cumbres & Toltec
50th Anniversary Freights

Reading & Northern #425
Swan Song - 15 Year Finale

Reading & Northern #2102
Return of the Rambles Vol.3

Reading & Northern #2102
Return of the Rambles Vol.2

Reading & Northern #2102
Return of the Rambles Vol.1

on the Durango & Silverton

Durango & Silverton NG Railroad
Winter Along the Animas

Victorian Iron Horses - Vol. 2
RGS 20 and the Fall Photo Trips

Victorian Iron Horses - Vol. 1
Eureka, Glenbrook, and the VIHR

Union Pacific 4014
Big Boy Back on Tour 2021

In Search of Steam - Vol. 3
The Best of 2019

In Search of Steam - Vol. 2
The Best of 2018

Snowstorm in the San Juans 2
Rotary Run on the C&TS

Snowstorm in the San Juans 1
Winter on the D&S

Union Pacific 4014 - Vol. 3
Great Race Across the Southwest

Union Pacific 4014 - Vol. 2
Great Race Across the Midwest

Union Pacific 4014 - Vol. 1
The Great Race to Ogden

In Search of Steam - Vol. 1
On the Mainline 2017

Steam at the South Rim
The Grand Canyon Railway

315 - A Decade in Steam
2017 on the Cumbres & Toltec

Norfolk & Western #611
Reborn - Volume 5

Dairyland Steam
(NKP 765 and Soo Line 1003)

Reading & Northern #425
Solo Excursions

Norfolk & Western #611
Reborn - Volume 4

Norfolk & Western #611
Reborn - Volume 3

Nickel Plate Road #765
Erie Lackawanna Adventure

Nickel Plate Road #765
Lima Superpower in the Lehigh Valley

Southern #4501
Return of a Legend

Norfolk & Western #611
Reborn - Volume 2

Norfolk & Western #611
Reborn - Volume 1

Winter on the Narrow Gauge
Flanger Special on the C&TS

Tripleheader to Cumbres Pass
Chama Steam 2014

Reading and Northern #425
Sound and Fury

Work Extra 315
#315 on the Cumbres & Toltec

Steam in the Rockies - Vol. 4
Caterpillars on the C&TS

Southern #630
Thunder in the Rathole

Winter Steam - Volume 3
Winter in the Sumpter Valley

Reading and Northern #425
Autumn Leaf Excursions

Union Pacific #844
Rare Miles & Familiar Rails

Steam in the Rockies - Vol. 3
Fall Freights on the C&TS

Nickel Plate Road #765
Berkshire in the Alleghenies

Southern #630
Steam on the Mainline

Winter Steam
Volume 2

Union Pacific #844
Pride of the Fleet

Steam in the Rockies - Vol. 2
The Cumbres & Toltec

Steam in the Rockies - Vol. 1
The Durango & Silverton

Santa Fe #3751
Steam to the South Rim

Union Pacific #844
South to the Southwest

Winter Steam
Volume 1

Reading and Northern #425
Blue Mountain Thunder Vol. 2

Reading and Northern #425
Blue Mountain Thunder Vol. 1

Chesapeake and Ohio #614
Track Speed

Norfolk & Western 611
Shenandoah Valley Limited

In the fall of 2023, Norfolk & Western 4-8-4 #611 operated a series of public excursions in Virginia on the Buckingham Branch Railroad - the first mainline trips for the "Queen of Steam" in over six years. Dubbed the "Shenandoah Valley Limited," these half-days trips ran over a 35-mile portion of the former Chesapeake and Ohio Mountain Subdivision between Goshen and Staunton, VA. With no place to turn the locomotive, #611 led east from Goshen over the steep North Mountain grade, with two diesels then pulling the train from Staunton back to Goshen.

This program begins with footage of the first test run on Thursday September 28th, followed by a second test run for invited guests on Friday September 29th. The "Shenandoah Valley Limited" was scheduled for two trips each Friday, Saturday, and Sunday for 5 weeks between October 6th and November 5th. Our coverage of the public excursions begins on Friday October 13th, as longtime #611 engineer Bob Saxton was at the throttle. With grades approaching 1.6%, #611 struggled on wet rail during the morning trip, before easily conquering North Mountain in the afternoon. We'll then take a look at the morning trip on Sunday October 15th, where #611 again struggled mightily on wet rails. This segment features footage from the locomotive's tool car, as #611 was down to a crawl on the toughest section of the line.

The following weekend the Buckingham Branch diesels were added to the rear of the train at Goshen to help push if necessary. Even with the diesels present, the "J" put on another unforgettable show on Friday October 20th during heavy rain and peak fall colors. This portion of the video covers both spectacular trips on the 20th, followed by both trips on Sunday the 22nd. In the end the "Shenandoah Valley Limited" was a great success, and the Virginia Museum of Transportation hopes to return in the coming years for more trips on the former C&O mainline.

Filmed entirely in HD, this program features #611 back at home on the mainline in the mountains of Virginia. You'll see some spectacular steam action, as the legendary J-class works hard to summit North Mountain amidst peak fall foliage. This program has minimal narration (with the option to turn it on or off) and no distracting music. It's available on standard definition widescreen DVD, High Definition Blu-ray disc, and for rental or purchase through Vimeo's On Demand streaming service.

Running Time: 1 hour 26 minutes

Rent or Buy on Vimeo (HD)


Standard Definition DVD


High Definition Blu-ray


*note you must have a Blu-ray compatible player to watch Blu-ray discs

Norfolk & Western 611 - Reborn:  5 Volume Set

Standard Definition DVD

Save 10% - Regularly $100

High Definition Blu-ray Disc

Save 10% - Regularly $125

*note you must have a Blu-ray compatible player to watch Blu-ray discs

Norfolk & Western 611 - Reborn Volume 5

Norfolk & Western J-class 4-8-4 #611 returned to the Norfolk Southern mainline in 2017 for 4 weekends of public excursions in the spring. In this video - the fifth and final volume in the "Reborn" series - we'll look at 2 of those weekends as #611 ran over some familiar territory in Virginia and North Carolina. As usual the locomotive spent the winter at the North Carolina Transportation Museum, and our coverage begins on Friday April 21st with a short ferry move from Spencer to Greensboro, NC for the 2nd weekend of excursions.

The next day #611 pulled the first of two trips from Greensboro to Roanoke, a repeat of the previous year's popular "Roanoker" excursions which were covered in Reborn Vol. 3. You'll see both trips (April 22nd & 23rd), as #611 pulled a 20-car train under cloudy skies and, at times, heavy rain. These 260-mile trips ran from Greensboro north to Hurt, VA on the former Southern mainline, before taking the Virginian Railway west to Roanoke. With slippery rails and numerous steep grades the "J" put on a spectacular show, thanks in part to the inclement weather.

The second half of the program covers the last trips of the year: the annual Roanoke excursions. You'll see all three days of operation (May 27-29) during the Memorial Day weekend, as #611 pulled half-day trips over two of the most famous grades on the N&W: Blue Ridge and Christiansburg Mountain. 2017 featured an extra trip over the Christiansburg grade, as the Monday trip to Lynchburg was cancelled in favor of the more popular run to Walton. Despite the familiar routes, you'll see #611 working hard at many new locations.

Filmed entirely in HD, this program features #611 racing down the mainline with a heavy train and no diesel assistance. You'll see the legendary J-class thundering through the mountains, just as the N&W intended when she rolled out of the Roanoke shops in 1950. This program has minimal narration (with the option to turn it on or off) and no distracting music. It's available on standard definition widescreen DVD, High Definition Blu-ray disc, and for rental or purchase through Vimeo's On Demand streaming service.

Running Time: 1 hour 46 minutes

Rent or Buy on Vimeo (HD)


Standard Definition DVD


High Definition Blu-ray


*note you must have a Blu-ray compatible player to watch Blu-ray discs

Norfolk & Western 611 - Reborn Volume 4

After two weekends of trips in North Carolina during the month of April, Norfolk & Western J-class 4-8-4 #611 returned home for a reprisal of the popular half-day excursions that operated out of Roanoke, VA the previous year. These were the only trips of 2016 on home rails, and #611 would climb two of the most famous grades on the N&W each day. In the morning she traveled eastward to Lynchburg, VA - crossing over the Blue Ridge grade in both directions. After returning to Roanoke #611 then pulled a second trip in the afternoon, this time heading west to Walton via the grueling Christiansburg Mountain grade.

But before looking at the 2016 edition of "Blue Ridge and Christiansburg" - this program begins where Volume 3 ends - with #611 in Greensboro, NC after "The Roanoker" trips. First we'll look at the ferry move back to Roanoke on Monday April 25th, as #611 retraced the route of the previous day's excursion. Then we'll cover all 4 half-day trips out of Roanoke on May 7th and 8th, as #611 tackled the steep grades on either side of town. Finally we'll conclude with a look at the ferry move from Roanoke to Manassas, VA on June 1st, as #611 ascends the Blue Ridge grade one more time.

Running without diesel assistance at all times, #611 put on another spectacular show while introducing a whole new generation to Roanoke's finest: the legendary streamlined J-class. These trips were the last to feature the N&W CPL (color position light) signals. These classic steam-era signals were rapidly being replaced around Roanoke, and we filmed 611 passing quite a few of the ones that still remained.

Filmed entirely in HD, this program features incredible stack talk as #611 battles the grades around Roanoke. With her thunderous bark and deep mournful whistle, #611 provides a brief glimpse of what the golden age of steam was like on the Norfolk & Western. This program has minimal narration (with the option to turn it on or off) and no distracting music. It's available on standard definition widescreen DVD, High Definition Blu-ray disc, and for rental or purchase through Vimeo's On Demand streaming service.

Running Time: 1 hour 27 minutes

Rent or Buy on Vimeo (HD)


Standard Definition DVD


High Definition Blu-ray


*note you must have a Blu-ray compatible player to watch Blu-ray discs

Norfolk & Western 611 - Reborn Volume 3

2015 was a milestone year, as Norfolk & Western J-class 4-8-4 #611 returned to steam for the first time in over 20 years. After a triumphant homecoming trip on May 30th, #611 operated 3 weekends of highly successful excursions during June and July before being put back on display at the Virginia Museum of Transportation for the rest of 2015. In the early days of 2016 it was announced that #611 would return to Norfolk Southern for 4 more weekends of trips during the spring months, despite the official end of the NS "21st Century Steam Program" in 2015.

This program covers the first 2 weekends in April of 2016, as #611 operated public trips in North Carolina for the first time since 1994. The first weekend of trips departed from the North Carolina Transportation Museum in Spencer, with #611 heading north to Lynchburg, VA on Saturday April 9th and then west to Asheville, NC on Sunday the 10th. On both days you'll see #611 on former Southern rails, including the climb of the famous Southern Loops on Sunday.

The second half of this program covers "The Roanoker" excursions later in the month, as #611 pulled 2 trips from Greensboro, NC to Roanoke, VA on April 23rd and 24th. These trips would head north to Hurt, VA on the Southern mainline before utilizing the Virginian to travel west to Roanoke. Unlike the NCTM trips, there were no diesel helpers and #611 put on an impressive display of power as she easily handled her 21-car train. With relatively cool weather on both days, the steam effects were spectacular during the early morning and late afternoon hours.

Filmed entirely in HD, this program features #611 working hard on the mainline along with the beautiful sound of her deep mournful whistle as it echoes through the hills of North Carolina and Virginia. This program has minimal narration (with the option to turn it on or off) and no distracting music. It's available on standard definition widescreen DVD, High Definition Blu-ray disc, and for rental or purchase through Vimeo's On Demand streaming service.

Running Time: 1 hour 32 minutes

Rent or Buy on Vimeo (HD)


Standard Definition DVD


High Definition Blu-ray


*note you must have a Blu-ray compatible player to watch Blu-ray discs

Norfolk & Western 611 - Reborn Volume 2

After returning to steam in May of 2015, Norfolk & Western J-class 4-8-4 #611 pulled a number of public excursions in Virginia during the month of June. On July 1st she returned to Roanoke, VA for her final trips of the 2015 season. Over the 4th of July holiday weekend #611 pulled three days of highly anticipated excursions over two of the most famous grades on the N&W mainline: Blue Ridge and Christiansburg Mountain.

This program chronicles all 3 days of excursions out of Roanoke on July 3rd, 4th, and 5th. Each morning you'll see #611 head east to Lynchburg over the Blue Ridge grade. After returning to Roanoke, #611 would pull another half-day trip in the afternoon, heading west to Walton via the legendary Christiansburg Mountain grade. Pulling a 21-car train on former N&W rails, #611 looked and sounded fantastic all weekend long.

In addition to the Blue Ridge and Christiansburg excursions, this program covers the July 1st ferry move from Spencer, NC to Roanoke, VA. On this trip #611 pulled a short revenue freight, taking the ex-Virginian line at Altavista instead of the longer routing via Lynchburg and the N&W. Running without diesel assistance at all times, #611 put on a spectacular show of mainline steam railroading while introducing a whole new generation to Roanoke's finest: the legendary streamlined J-class.

Filmed entirely in HD, this program features incredible stack talk as #611 demonstrates why she's the world's most powerful 4-8-4. With her thunderous bark and deep mournful whistle, #611 provides a brief glimpse of what the golden age of steam was like on the Norfolk & Western. This program has minimal narration (with the option to turn it on or off) and no distracting music. It's available on standard definition widescreen DVD, High Definition Blu-ray disc, and for rental or purchase through Vimeo's On Demand streaming service.

Running Time: 1 hour 24 minutes

Rent or Buy on Vimeo (HD)


Standard Definition DVD


High Definition Blu-ray


*note you must have a Blu-ray compatible player to watch Blu-ray discs

Norfolk & Western 611 - Reborn Volume 1

On May 30th 2015, Norfolk & Western J-class 4-8-4 #611 marched triumphantly into Roanoke, VA alive and under steam for the first time in over 20 years. It was the most anticipated steam event of 2015, and thousands upon thousands gathered trackside to see #611 pass by. This homecoming trip capped an improbable rebirth, as few could have imagined the return of #611 when Norfolk Southern pulled the plug on their original steam program in 1994.

This program begins with the May 30th "Return to Roanoke" trip, as 611 returned to the Virginia Museum of Transportation after being restored to operation at the North Carolina Transportation Museum in Spencer. Pulling an invitation-only train of donors, volunteers, and NS officials, you'll see #611 on her historic journey home after a year-long restoration.

A week later #611 would pull her first public excursions out of Manassas, VA. You'll see all 3 Manassas to Riverton Junction (Front Royal) trips as #611 traversed the scenic NS B-line on June 6th and 7th. This program also covers the ferry moves to and from Manassas. On Wednesday June 3rd #611 climbed the Blue Ridge grade to Lynchburg before heading north to Manassas amidst heavy rain, while on Monday June 8th she returned to Lynchburg on the former Southern mainline under sunny skies.

Filmed entirely in HD, this program features #611 on the mainline with no diesel assistance. You'll see the legendary J-class working hard in the mountains of Virginia, just as the N&W intended when she rolled out of the Roanoke shops in 1950. This program has minimal narration (with the option to turn it on or off) and no distracting music. It's available on standard definition widescreen DVD, High Definition Blu-ray disc, and for rental or purchase through Vimeo's On Demand streaming service.

Running Time: 1 hour 25 minutes

Rent or Buy on Vimeo (HD)


Standard Definition DVD


High Definition Blu-ray


*note you must have a Blu-ray compatible player to watch Blu-ray discs

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