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New DVD Release - Mar. 2025:

Norfolk & Western 611 - Shenandoah Valley Limited

This program takes a look at Norfolk & Western 4-8-4 #611 operating mainline excursions in Virginia during of fall of 2023. Running over the former Chesapeake & Ohio Mountain Subdivision, the locomotive pulled a series of half-day trips between Goshen and Staunton Virginia in October and early November. In this video we'll cover 7 of the "Shenandoah Valley Limited" excursions, plus 2 test runs at the end of September. The "Queen of Steam" put on an unforgettable show, battling the steep and slippery North Mountain grade during the peak of fall colors.

Total running time: 1 hour 26 minutes

  $10.00 - $18.00  (Rent or Buy on Vimeo)
  $20.00  (Standard Definition DVD)
  $25.00  (High Definition Blu-ray)
 *you must have a Blu-ray compatible player to watch Blu-ray discs

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New DVD Release - Jan. 2025:

Canadian Pacific 2816 - Final Spike Tour - 3 Volume Set

This 3 video set chronicles the CPKC Final Spike Tour with Canadian Pacific 4-6-4 #2816 which took place in the spring and summer of 2024. The first volume covers the first week of the tour from Calgary to Minneapolis with comprehensive coverage, then shows highlights of the 2 days from Minneapolis to Chicago and the 2 days from Chicago to Kansas City. The second volume follows 2816 down the former Kansas City Southern from Kansas City to Kendleton, Texas. It also shows highlights of the 2 days from Monterrey to Mexico City followed by two days of the northbound trip on the KCS from Shreveport back to Kansas City. The third volume starts in Davenport, Iowa on July 1st and follows "The Empress" up to the Canadian border over 3 days. The program then chronicles the last 3 days of the tour from Brandon, Manitoba back to Calgary, including a cab ride on the Maple Creek subdivision on July 9th.

For individual videos (not the set) click the image above.

Total running time: 5 hours 23 minutes

  (Rent or Buy on Vimeo)
  $60.00  (Standard Definition DVD)
  $75.00  (High Definition Blu-ray)
 *you must have a Blu-ray compatible player to watch Blu-ray discs

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New DVD Release - Jan. 2024:

K-28 Locomotives - A Century in Steam

This program takes a look at the K-28 100th Anniversary Photo Special on the Durango & Silverton in October of 2023. The 2-day excursion featured locomotives #473 and #476 pulling a mixed train to Silverton, with #476 as a mid-train helper on the first day. We'll also cover a couple of K-28 doubleheaders on the regular excursion to Silverton, plus the 2022 Fall Photo Train with #476. The last part of the program looks at #476 on the Cascade Canyon Winter Train back in February of 2019.

Total running time: 1 hour 52 minutes

  $10.00 - $18.00  (Rent or Buy on Vimeo)
  $20.00  (Standard Definition DVD)
  $25.00  (High Definition Blu-ray)
 *you must have a Blu-ray compatible player to watch Blu-ray discs

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New DVD Release - Dec. 2023:

Reading & Northern 2102 - Autumn Leaf Excursions: 2023

This program takes a look at the second season of excursions with Reading & Northern 4-8-4 #2102. It covers all 3 Autumn Leaf Excursions in October of 2023, plus the August 13th Iron Horse Ramble from North Reading to Jim Thorpe. The last trip of the year (October 21st) is covered with a mix of footage from in-cab and locomotive mounted cameras - plus the usual trackside runby's. The afternoon segment on the climb to Nesquehoning is presented in real-time, and you'll see every punishing slip on the steep grade. With the booster cut-in, #2102 clawed her way up the hill at not much more than a walking pace, finally conquering the grade after reaching the long tangent east of town.

Total running time: 1 hour 49 minutes

  $10.00 - $18.00  (Rent or Buy on Vimeo)
  $20.00  (Standard Definition DVD)
  $25.00  (High Definition Blu-ray)
 *you must have a Blu-ray compatible player to watch Blu-ray discs

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New DVD Release - Sept. 2023:

Cumbres & Toltec - 50th Anniversary Freights

This program looks at two 50th anniversary photo specials on the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad. The first in August of 2018 commemorated the last freights over Cumbres Pass using two of the K-36 locomotives. The first day had a 2-engine freight climbing the 4% grade from Chama to Cumbres, while the second day featured a rare doubleheader running west out of Antonito. The second special took place in October of 2022 and celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Toltec Rattler: the first ever photo freight on the C&TS. You'll see 2 days of action with locomotive #484, right after the first major snow of the season.

Total running time: 1 hour 46 minutes

  $10.00 - $18.00  (Rent or Buy on Vimeo)
  $20.00  (Standard Definition DVD)
  $25.00  (High Definition Blu-ray)
 *you must have a Blu-ray compatible player to watch Blu-ray discs

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New DVD Release - April 2023:

Reading & Northern 425 - Swan Song - 15 Year Finale

This program covers some of the last runs of Reading & Northern #425 before it went down for it's 15-year inspection and overhaul. It begins with a weekend of Autumn Leaf Excursions in October of 2021 before #2102 returned to steam. The following year #425 appeared only a handful times, pulling just a single Autumn Leaf Excursion on November 5th. Coverage of this trip features a mix of traditional runbys and in-cab footage. The final segment of the video looks at the Tamaqua Christmas trains on December 3rd and 4th 2022: the second-to-last trips before the locomotive was taken out of service.

Total running time: 1 hour 51 minutes

  $10.00 - $18.00  (Rent or Buy on Vimeo)
  $20.00  (Standard Definition DVD)
  $25.00  (High Definition Blu-ray)
 *you must have a Blu-ray compatible player to watch Blu-ray discs

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